5 Strategies To Improve Career Happiness and Fulfilment

We all spend roughly 1/3 of our lives on the job, and while pay and benefits are a big part of the equation, there is a lot more to creating an enjoyable and fulfilling working life. Here are five strategies to improve career happiness and fulfilment:

Be Enthusiastic

Serve a bigger purpose

Focus on your attitude

Strengthen your network

Plan your career

Be Enthusiastic

People often base their career options and choices on financial compensation rather than personal interest.  It's hard to stay enthusiastic about a role when you don't have an interest or passion for it.

Consider what you would do if the money didn't matter, but also focus on your strengths – where has your praise come from, and what projects have turned out well? If you're working on something you're good at, you're more likely to be enthusiastic about it and enjoy it.

Workplace happiness can only be achieved when people have a sense of purpose and enthusiasm. Understanding what personally drives you and fuels your passion can guide you towards tasks that align with your interests and strengths. While focusing exclusively on these tasks might not be feasible, allocating more time to activities that resonate with you can significantly elevate your job satisfaction.

Serve a bigger purpose

Do work that is meaningful to you and that makes a difference.

See your work as making a difference to others – internally or externally.  Look for purpose in your daily activities and consider what you contribute.

Focus on the tasks that make you happiest and find ways to do more!  You never know where a passion could turn into a career.

Focus on your attitude

It can be challenging to stay positive when you don't find happiness in your job; however, staying positive can improve your outlook on the job. It can also assist with your performance and how you interact with colleagues.

Focus on your attitude towards tasks and projects and evaluate your contribution to them. Reflecting on your efforts and accomplishments will help you see things positively. Create a positive working environment by having a positive impact.

Strengthen your network

Working hard for a promotion is sometimes not enough! In many cases, finding and getting the right opportunities boils down to who you know.

Each person in your network extends your reach and increases your opportunities. A strong relationship with external recruiters and internal colleagues will assist you in expanding your network.

Open and honest communication is the cornerstone of sustained happiness in any work environment. Don't hesitate to address these concerns if you are grappling with challenges or discontent. Engage with your supervisors, peers, and team members, sharing your thoughts and feelings. Constructive communication allows you to work collectively towards solutions, creating a more conducive and positive work atmosphere.

Plan your career

Career happiness is in your hands and is the only way your career will grow.

Here are some things you can do to help plan your career:

  • Set goals: You can't be satisfied if you don't know what you want. Think about what you want from your career and then create a plan to achieve it. Set realistic and small, achievable goals to get to where you want to be.

  • Improve your skills: You can always do things to improve your skillset.  Look into courses you can do or go to seminars and training to improve constantly.  Try LinkedIn learning solutions or find an online course through Reed.com.

  • Ask for help: Don't be afraid to ask questions and ask for help.  If you don't find out the answers, you will never improve. Most people are happy to assist when given the chance. 

  • The focus of professional personal development is often associated with earning more money; however, personal development is also needed for happiness at work. In a rapidly evolving professional landscape, stagnation can breed discontent, so improving and striving continuously is essential.

  • Embrace many learning opportunities on platforms like LinkedIn, Google, and HubSpot. These platforms offer a wealth of resources to help you sharpen your skills, learn new ones, and stay ahead in your role. Continual self-improvement enhances your efficiency and contributes to your enjoyment of your work.

  • Furthermore, don't underestimate the power of seeking support from your employer. Many forward-thinking leaders encourage and support their employees' educational pursuits. By proactively seeking opportunities for growth and development, you enhance your skill set and demonstrate a commitment to your professional advancement.


Career fulfilment and happiness are about doing what you love!

Oakstone International

Oakstone International is a SaaS and Fintech specialist executive search firm.


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