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6 Signs That You’re Wasting Your Talent

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It’s easy to become comfortable in a role you’ve been in for a while, especially when you’re good at it. It’s stable, and you get lots of recognition - however, there are lots of telltale signs that you’ve outgrown your current position.  You should never feel as though you are stuck in a role because there is always room for improvement and growth - if it’s not with your current company, there will be another.

Why would anyone with skills and abilities waste their talent? It makes no sense, but in reality, lots of people are wasting their talents in companies or roles which aren’t best for them. Are you one of the people who are wasting their talents? Here are 6 signs…

You're not being appreciated

You don't feel like you're progressing

You're not feeling motivated

You're not feeling passionate about the company you work for

You don't see a future with the company

You're bored

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If you’re great at what you do and feel like you do a good job, then other people should realise it, too, especially your managers and leaders.  If you’re not being appreciated in a position, your talents are being wasted on a company that doesn’t appreciate you, and your abilities could be put to better use elsewhere. 

Appreciation should also be seen in annual salary increases – whether is 2% or 10%, your salary should increase in line with your learning, growth and value to the company.  Understand your market worth and the value of the skills and experience you bring to the company you are working for.  

Seek a second opinion on whether the amount of appreciation you expect from colleagues is realistic, but also remember people are busy - Harvard Business Review.

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If you don’t feel like you’re learning new things or progressing in the company you’re in, it may be time to open yourself up to new opportunities, so you can continue to self-improve.  If you’re not learning, you’re falling behind.  Whether it’s internal or external training, you should constantly be gaining new skills and developing yourself.  A big part of career fulfilment is learning new skills and tackling challenges.  If you’ve asked for more responsibility or training and your managers aren’t responding to you, it might be time to take the leap and invest your willingness to learn in another role.

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Motivation comes from various places; however, at work, your motivation should come from you being excited about the work you do and the achievements you’re making.  It’s unlikely you’ll be on top of the world every day, but if you’re going to work every day feeling mundane and unmotivated, it may be time to mix things up.  Discuss adding new responsibilities to your role or try and establish goals you want to reach with your managers and leaders.

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A big sign you’re wasting your talent is working for a company you’re not passionate about.  Working for a company you have no interest in will deplete your motivation.  Finding a company you’re passionate about will motivate you and encourage you to work for more than just money, increasing your job satisfaction.

Your values, morals and work ethic should always coincide with the company you work with – or anyone you work with.  You need to believe the company’s mission statement and values to really integrate yourself into the team.  By having this cohesion, you should feel like part of the company; if you don’t, it’s time to move on and find a better fit for you.

Are you content with your position and feel like it’s fulfilling? No? Then it’s time to move on.  Your role should bring you satisfaction in some way – whether it’s successfully getting a deal or achieving the numbers you want and putting the effort in to get. If you’re not feeling satisfied, there will always be another position which offers you a higher rate of satisfaction.

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It’s hard to stay motivated in a position that doesn’t allow you to grow professionally and personally. It doesn’t matter whether you have 30 years or 2 years of experience; your position should allow you to progress and better yourself while you’re doing it. If you don’t see a future with the company you’re working for, you’re ultimately wasting your time and talent. Don’t work for a dead-end company because you won’t be motivated, driven, progressing, or passionate! Before taking any role, qualify it and the company hard so you know you won’t be wasting your time.

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Everyone counts down the minutes at some point during their time at work, whether it’s before lunch or during a boring meeting; however, you shouldn’t be counting down the minutes of every day.  If you’re counting down the minutes, it probably means you need a new challenge. It’s always better to be in a role that is challenging, and that helps you develop over being easy and unstimulating. Work is where you spend a lot of your time, so spend it wisely. You should never feel bored in a position you feel passionate about. If you do, it’s time to find a new position where you can be the best you can be.

Go do it!

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